

Since 2004 Yonah Levy has been guiding people back to peace and from there to thriving through Counseling, Coaching, Business Wellness Consulting and Group Leadership.

Yonah studied Behavioral and Social Psychology and received five years of Humanistic Counseling training from a psychologist taught by Carl Rogers, the founder of the approach. Yonah has worked with thousands of clients from all walks of life, helping them move beyond inner blockages and optimize their lives.

Yonah has been practicing and teaching Mindfulness and Meditation for over two decades. He learned from disciples of Sri Chinmoy for one year and has spent several years learning from Dr. Tara Brach among others through continuous self-study. He has completed multiple Vipassana courses under S.N. Goenka, based on teachings of the Buddha rooted in 25 centuries of tradition. Yonah draws from thousands of hours of meditation study, practice and facilitation in his leadership.

Yonah blends Western science and psychology with Eastern and intuitive practices. His positive, holistic approach works with the fundamentals of the whole person.

Teaching from the core principle that we create our reality, Yonah helps people hone their personal power through mental, emotional and physiological state shifting practices. Yonah helps people improve the quality of their lives through Mindfulness, Meditation, changing thinking and behavioral patterns and practical action.


“Yonah is truly gifted in the art of Meditation and Mindfulness. I’m an avid meditator and I find Yonah’s guided meditations to be the best I’ve ever experienced. We hired Yonah to lead weekly Meditation and Mindfulness classes for our company while working remote. Yonah helped our team be more present and less stressed. Our people loved working with Yonah. His authenticity shines through in every interaction and you always feel like he genuinely cares.”

-Neil Welsh, CEO, Silverback Strategies

“Yonah led a session at the National Science Foundation. He talked about coping skills and gave the group a number of relaxation techniques, some of which we practiced real-time at the session, which was particularly helpful. Yonah’s calm and helpful demeanor was perfect to help connect the attendees to the subject matter. We would be happy to have Yonah back for a future seminar!”

-Jeff Rich, Senior Advisor, National Science Foundation

“Entrepreneurs need to cope with uncertainty, evaluate risk, constantly learn, and adapt to ever-changing environments. Without the right tools, entrepreneurs are prone to overworking, reaching burnout faster, and sacrificing short-term health for long-term goals. This is not the most comfortable way of living. At Halcyon, we aspire to make this journey easier through our Health Series program where talented individuals like Yonah help our Fellows become more centered, serene, focused, and far less anxious.”

 -Rana Nemeh, Program Coordinator, Halcyon

“Yonah helped me set goals and follow through on things that are important to me. The coaching process empowered me to achieve all my goals including greater peace and less anxiety, more self-love, better health, and more intention and satisfaction regarding my work. I gained many tools that I continue to use months after the coaching process ended, including outlets for self-expression and creativity, which have proven to be extremely beneficial for my overall health and well-being. I would without question repeat the coaching process all over again and would recommend Yonah to anyone looking for greater peace, clarity, and purpose in life.”

-Lauren I., Coaching Client

“Yonah’s coaching was invaluable for me during my transition from leaving my role working for a Fortune 100 company to working for myself. It was apparent during our time together that he is not only educated and wise, but is walking the walk and “doing the work” that he has empowered me to do. Yonah created a nurturing container in which he provided many tools and insights which enabled me to shift my mindset to trust in knowing that when I take action and follow my bliss, abundance easily becomes reality.”

-Leigh J., Coaching Client